A poor translation:
The human body is very complicated. When we draw the human, we have to think about the joint, the center of gravity, the perspective, the creases, the wrinkles, and the wind. I can’t draw that in my imagination only. So I draw that, I always take a picture myself.
After I take a picture, I use a piece of tracing paper. I trace the picture on the PC. And I trace the tracing paper with a piece of thin paper politely again. (If you have a trace table, you should use that. ) We can improve our drawing by becoming conscious of the human body, I think so.
When you trace the pictures, you should use scaling or zooming. Enlarge the picture after tracing the face in the picture if you wanna draw the male. In the case of the female, it’s the other way around.
Both of the drawing(the man and the girl) I traced my picture myself.
私の漫画やイラストは、毎回私自身がモデルです。(←顔でなく参考にした骨格の話です。私は美形でも何でもありません。 顔はお気に入りの芸能人や漫画を参考にしてください。骨格さえきちんと整っていれば、顔は少しテキトーでも見栄えのいい絵になります☺)。