Happy Halloween! Dead or treat!!
◆怪談(かいだん)(kaidann)= a uncanny story
◇日本三大幽霊(the top 3 of the most famous Japanese ghost)
👻 as Witch →お菊(Okiku)
/ in the story of 番町-皿-屋敷(Banchou-sara-yashiki)
主人の皿を割った咎で井戸に突き落とされる。Her master pushed her bottom of a well because she broken one of the plates of the family treasure. After, she counts how many the plates there are bottom of a well.
👻 as Creature by Frankenstein→お岩(Oiwa)
/ in 四谷-怪談(Yotsuya-kaidann)
夫に邪魔者扱いされ、毒薬を与えられ顔がただれた後、事故により刀が刺さり死亡。Her husband poisoned her. So her face was broken out. After she died, her ghost cursed him.
👻 as Clown→お露(Otsuyu)
/ in 牡丹-灯籠(Botann-tourou)
中国の小説を元に日本の落語家が創作。美しい娘、お露と男は恋仲になるが、男が毎晩共に過ごしていたのは髑髏だった。The original story is from China. Otsuyu a beautiful girl and a man became lovers. But she looked a skull to his neighbor.
👻 as Imp→お千代(Ochiyo)